Before I start, I believe everyone parents different and there is no right or wrong way as long as your baby is happy and loved. I would never judge a parent for the way they bring up their children and I totally understand different things work for different families. Not only are parents different but all babies needs are different too so whatever works for you is amazing! So, I am that mum! The mum who does all the things you are told are going to make life more difficult for yourself. Maybe that’s right, maybe things are harder work because of the way I’ve been with Rome but if I could say one thing, I’d do the same 100 times again. Every whimper? I’m there! Every cry? I’m there! Every nap she fights? I’m rocking her! Those sleepless nights? I’m up all night pacing the floors! Putting it bluntly, Rome’s needy. Every second she’s awake, she needs constant attention, to be constantly picked up, constantly needs to be spoken to. If she can see me and someone else is holding her, she will throw her arms out towards me and shout until I take her (Not all the time, she is sociable I promise). When I put her down in her cot, she will cry until she’s rocked to sleep and I have to make sure she’s completely snoring before putting her down. You may read all that and think it sounds tiring and hard work but the point is, I don’t mind. I love her wanting me, I love her needing me, I love rocking her to sleep and seeing her so content and peaceful, I love seeing her face light up when I walk in a room and how she giggles when I only just look at her.
Rome is 8 months and the thought of putting her into her own room makes me sick, her cot is right against my bed and I could watch her all night. I love being with her and doing everything together. Ok, so I won’t lie it was all a bit easier when she was a tiny 7lb11oz newborn whereas now she’s bloody huge, my back is broken and why I don’t look like the Incredible Hulk I’ll never understand. I always hear the term ‘glued to the hip’ and now I truly know the meaning. I’ve learnt to wash dishes one handed, hang washing out one handed, make a bottle one handed and I’m quite confident I’d be able to launch a rocket into space one handed too! I still get told now that me doing all this is just making life so difficult for myself but no one will ever understand the joy it brings me knowing that when she looks at me, she see’s ‘mummy’, I mean she probably actually see’s someone she knows is going to pander to her but that’ll do for me. Rome always has the biggest smile on her face (Bar when she’s not being given attention to obviously) and this is going to sound ridiculously big headed but she’s so happy because of me, all her family and people around her that love her and she knows just how loved she is. I’ll write a follow up blog when I have another baby and pictures of me half dead with 2 screaming kids will probably be attached along with a plea for help to get Rome to stop being so clingy but until then, she’s a baby, my baby and I won’t be changing a thing.

Like I said everyone is different and that’s fine. We are all equal other and trying our best. Never judge another parent just for not doing the same as you and always remember, we are all going crazy in our own ways. 🖤