If you have are pregnant or have a baby with sensitive and eczema prone skin and are looking for mild skincare products not full of chemicals, I would recommend reading this blog. Child’s farm is an award winning brand specialising in skincare suitable right from newborn! I’m sure you’ve seen media going absolutely crazy for this brand that seems to work for every skin type and has even helped adults skin. Well I’m here to tell you if Childs farm is as amazing as everyone says! So it’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Child’s Farm and have been since Rome was tiny so I was so excited when we were sent a box of new goodies to try!

Whilst pregnant, like most new mums do! I stocked up on everything. Skincare being one of them, I mean if I totalled up the money I spent on skincare products and didn’t use, well I’d probably cry so moving on. I decided I wouldn’t use any products while Rome was newborn so it wasn’t until she was around 2 months that I decided I would. Child’s farm wasn’t a brand I’d really heard of at the time so I used different brands, then of course, unfortunately eczema is so common in babies and after a trip to the doctors, it was confirmed Rome was one of those babies. As a new mum there’s nothing more heartbreaking than seeing your beautiful babies poor skin look so irritated and sore. I decided I would do some research into different baby skincare and see if there would be any suitable for sensitive and eczema prone skin and of course I came across Child’s Farm! I went out to the shops and bought the hair and body wash, nappy cream and the moisturiser. It wasn’t miracles straight away but all I knew was, it all smelt amazing and anything was worth a try! As time went on, Rome’s skin started to improve and she’s now 9 months and her eczema hasn’t bothered in her in months! We used the baby moisturiser which had a lovely light smell to it and best of all, didn’t take long to absorb and didn’t stay wet and sticky! (There’s nothing worse than trying to get your baby dressed when they are all sticky due to cream!) I loved noticing a change in her skin and how smooth it was. I loved watching her poor little face clear up and those chubby pink cheeks didn’t look so sore anymore! It was an all round 5/5 for me! Along with the hair and body wash and nappy cream, her skin completely changed and we have been Child’s Farm crazy ever since!

So we were lucky enough to be sent the new bubble bath, moisturiser and hair and body wash! Of course we already knew, we’d love them all and did we ever! I’m not ashamed to admit, I love them that much I use them for myself. The blueberry and organic mango bubble bath really smells as gorgeous as it sounds and I can’t have my baby smelling better than me! After having Rome, I noticed my skin totally dried out and using these products myself I’ve noticed a huge change in my skin also! Isn’t it amazing this baby skincare also works for adults? (If you are anything like me and have spent £373738 on every face wash and moisturiser you can think of, I’d recommend saving yourself any more pointless buys and trying this brand!) One of my favourite things about this brand, is the price! We all know the maternity pay struggles and Childs Farm totally sympathises with us making their products completely affordable and amazing value for money! I couldn’t recommend this brand anymore and I will be a Child’s Farm fan always! So thank you Child’s Farm, not only for our amazing box of goodies but for making my life as a new mum a hell of a lot easier not having to worry about trying to afford skincare that will stop my baby being irritated and in discomfort! It’s a 5/5 from us!