So if your household is anything like mine, nap time and bed time isn’t something to look forward too. If you watch my Instagram stories you are probably fully aware that sleep is a constant battle. Long nights of shhhing and rocking. Nap time is walking the streets in her pram in hope she will fall asleep (never usually the case, anyone else have a ridiculously nosey baby?) Rome I promise, you really aren’t missing much. We were lucky enough to of been gifted the most amazing package from MyHummy, we received the sleepy head Myhummy and a luxury warm blanket. There’s so many sleep aids on the market but do they really work? Well I’m about to tell you how nap time and bed time changed forever.

MyHummy create sleep aid toys. Toys that are deigned to play white noise in the hope your baby will sleep better and longer, to make sleep time less stressful and more enjoyable. We received the sleepyhead in pastel pink which is also Bluetooth (AAAAMAZINGGG) meaning you can turn the device on/off, turn the volume up/down, change the noise the MyHummy makes and for that, there’s 5 different options. Ocean waves, rainfall, hair dryer, a vacuum cleaner and a heartbeat. Not only all this, but it can sense when your baby is moving around or crying and turns itself back on while sending a notification to your phone to let you know! After receiving the package, I was so excited for bed time to come around! Okay, I wasn’t holding out much hope, like I said Rome really isn’t a good sleeper and surely there could be nothing out there to change this. So usual routine, bath, bottle, story and a cuddle. MyHummy was all attached to the cot so she was half a sleep when I put her down, usually her eyes ping open, I’m going to be real with you here and I won’t lie,they did! open they popped but there was no crying or screaming to be picked up. She kicked around for a little bit, had a little whimper and slowly she was off. No big fight, no stress. Not only was she easier to put down, there was no waking every hour. Again, I wont pretend she didn’t wake at all. Usual 4am bottle was still woken for but wow, I could not believe that she had given me a full 5 hours sleep before waking up. (She went down earlier but I didn’t go until 11pm, anyone else say they are going to go to bed early but it’s the only you time you have so you stay up late and regret it the next morning?!) So first night with MyHummy. Easier to get to sleep and slept for longer duration of time in one go, oh my god. All I can say is amazing! The same for nap time, each time became easier and less of a battle. As the days went on, she was going down easier and sleeping for even longer. I attach the sleepyhead to the pram, cot and car seat, also her ear when it’s all just too much (I’m joking) but I would like to velcro it to her head sometimes, again I’m joking I promise. Not only is it so useful but oh my god, it’s so cute! I love everything pink and wow, it’s just the cutest little thing. I just love it! Sleep aid as well as a fashion accessory, what more could a girl need?

Now the blanket. It’s beautiful. It’s big, thick, warm and matches her sleepy head MyHummy. Who doesn’t love everything matchy matchy?! I use it for the cot and the pram, Rome absolutely loves snuggling up to her blanket. She loves playing with it when she’s tired and I love knowing she’s all cosy when we are out with the pram. It’s just gorgeous on both sides, one side being a lovely pink waffle design and the other a grey and white neutral design. They are just perfect for these cold months that are fast approaching. MyHummy, do you think I could have one please? My advice for any Mum to be or sleep deprived mummy would be, try one! I can write this blog with my monitor on knowing I won’t be up and down the stairs every 10 minutes. I would recommend the MyHummy products to anyone, go to my Instagram highlights to watch the unboxing. Thank you so much again MyHummy for gifting us these amazing items and most of all, for saving my sanity and for lightening the the dark circles under my eyes.